Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Organization of conferences

    • J.P. Richard, a memeber of NOC of 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 10-14 July 2017

    • D. Efimov, Invited Session at IEEE CDC 2013, "Interval estimation of uncertain systems"

  • Participation at International Programming Committees (IPCs) of conferences

    • J.P. Richard, AE at EUCA-IEEE ECC'13, Zürich, Suisse (12th European Control Conference) July 17-19, 2013

    • J.P. Richard, AE at IFAC 2013 Joint conference SSC-TDS-FDIA, Grenoble, France ("Symposium System Structure and Control", "Workshop Time-Delay Systems" and "Workshop Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications"), February4-6, 2013

    • J.P. Richard, IEEE ICCVE 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2nd Int. Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo), December 2-6, 2013

    • J.P. Richard, IEEE GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (11th Global Communications Conference), Dec.2013

    • J.P. Richard, IEEE VTC2013, Dresden, Germany (77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference), Track 'Mobile Networks, Applications and Services', 3-5 June 2013

    • J.P. Richard, IEEE SaCoNet 2013, Paris, France (4th IEEE Int. Conference on SmArt COmmunications in NEtwork Technologies), 17-19 June 2013

    • W. Perruquetti, IFAC 2013 Joint conference SSC-TDS-FDIA ("Symposium System Structure and Control", "Workshop Time-Delay Systems" and "Workshop Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications"), Grenoble, France, 4-6 February 2013

    • W. Perruquetti, 5th IFAC International Workshop on Periodic Control Systems (PSYCO'2013), Caen, France, 3-5 July 2013

    • W. Perruquetti, National Projects Vice-Chair at ECC 2014, Strasbourg, France, 24-25 June 2014

    • W. Perruquetti and D. Efimov, IFAC World Congress 2014, Cape Town, South Africa

    • A. Polyakov, VSS 2014, Nantes, France

  • Plenary talks

    • J.P. Richard, Keynote paper GDRi DelSys CNRS, LAAS, Toulouse, November 2013

    • J.P. Richard and W. Perruquetti, HYCON2-BALCON joint workshop, FP7, Belgrade, Serbie, July 2013

    • D. Efimov, CinvesRob 2013, Cinvestav Guadaljara, Mexico, November 2013

    • O. Gibaru, International Conference on New Trends in Splines and Approximation Theory, June 19-21, 2013

    • R. Ushirobira, Colloquium São Paulo-Lyon "Algebra, Groups and Logic", Lyon, April 2013

  • Invited seminars

    • J.P. Richard, GREYC CNRS, EnsiCaen, Caen, "Networked Control Systems: to buff, or not to buff", Novembre 2013

    • J.P. Richard, GT SàR du GDR MACS, Lille, Juin 2013

    • D. Efimov, UNAM, Mexico, November 2013

  • National scientific animation

    • T. Floquet is a member of Conseil National des Universités, 61ème Section

    • G. Zheng is a member of Conseil National des Universités, 61ème Section

    • R. Ushirobira is a member of Conseil National des Universités, 25ème Section, a member of the bureau of the "Comission Permanente du CNU"

    • R. Ushirobira is a member of the "Commission de Développement Technologique" of the research center Inria Lille and a member of the "Comité de centre" of the research center Inria Lille

    • J.P. Richard, Scientific Committee of the GdR MACS, CNRS, Group of Research in "Modelling, Analysis and Control of dynamic Systems"

    • J.P. Richard, Scientific Committee of the group "Control and communication networks", created Jan. 2010 within the GdR MACS

    • R. Ushirobira is a member of the GDR CNRS 3395 "Algebraic and geometric Lie theory"

    • W. Perruquetti is a head of ANR Piloting Committee

  • International scientific animation

    • J.P. Richard is a member of GDRi DelSys CNRS

    • J.P. Richard is a member of IFAC Technical Committee "Networked Systems" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC1.5)

    • J.P. Richard is a member of IFAC Technical Committee "Linear Control Systems" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC2.2)

    • D. Efimov is a member of IFAC Technical Committee "Adaptive and Learning Systems" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC1.2)

    • W. Perruquetti is a member of IFAC Technical Committee "Non-linear Control Systems" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC2.3) and a member of IFAC Technical Committee "Discrete and Hybrid Systems" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC1.3)

    • A. Polyakov is a member of IFAC Technical Committee "Non-linear Control Systems" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC2.3)

    • W. Perruquetti is the Chair of IFAC Technical Committee "Social impact of automation" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC9.2)

    • G. Zheng, T. Floquet and D. Efimov are members of IFAC Technical Committee "Social impact of automation" (International Federation of Automatic Control, TC9.2)

The members of Non-A are reviewers for most of the journal of the control and signal communities: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Systems and Control Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Automatica, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Journal of Computation and Applied Mathematics, Systems & Control Letters, International Journal of Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, International Journal of Systems Science, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, IET Control Theory & Applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Journal of the Franklin Institute, ...